Manure Hauling in Cheyenne

If you have a lot of animals, you know that their waste products can add up quickly. In fact, an average horse produces about 50 pounds of manure just in one day! All of this manure has to have some place to go in order to keep your farm, business, and livestock safe, and Cheyenne Hauling has just the place for manure hauling.

Cheyenne Hauling offers manure hauling services in and around Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Northern Colorado, including Carr, Fort Collins, and Wellington. We can have your manure shoveled and hauled away in no time, taking the smell with us, too! Below, we’ll go over the reasons to invest in manure hauling services. Call our local hauling company today!


  1. Parasites. Parasites can be in manure, which then can infest other horses or livestock if it’s not properly handled.
  2. Pests. With large piles of manure lying around, you can expect to attract pests, such as flies.
  3. Looks. Who really wants to stare at a large pile of manure from their kitchen window, or have your customers who visit your farm or shop complaining about the smell?
  4. Water quality. Manure can infect the water supply if it is close to a stream.


Cheyenne Hauling will handle your manure problem, so you can enjoy the time with your horses and have a clean farm to raise livestock. Whether you are raising cows, horses, sheep, goats, chickens, bison, or all of the above, we are here to help. With our front end loader and large dump trucks, we’ll have your property cleaned up in a jiffy. Our professional crew works diligently to remove your manure piles in a timely fashion.

If you are in need of manure hauling services, give us a call for a free estimate today!

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